McKinney-Vento Act (Homeless Situations)
The Homeless Program at the New Hampshire Department of Education provides resources and services to districts, schools, professionals, volunteers and persons in need of assistance to better understand laws pertaining to the rights of homeless children and youth, and the responsibilities and obligations that educational agencies must abide by under.
SAU #44 Homeless Liaison
Jill LaVallee
Director of Student Services
603-942-1290 Ext. 212
Considerations in Determining Homelessness Best Interest Placement
SAU 44 Homelessness Dispute Process Form
McKinney-Vento Dispute Resolution Protocols
McKinney-Vento Enrollment and Eligibility Requirements
NHDOE Education for Homeless Children & Youth Program (EHCY)
The McKinney-Vento Act was established to protect your child’s educational rights and to ensure that he or she continues to receive an appropriate education. It provides students experiencing homelessness with protections and services to ensure that they can enroll in and attend school and complete schooling at all levels, Pre-K through higher education. You are not alone in this scary situation. Currently, 1.3 million children and youth are experiencing homelessness, from early childhood through high school graduation. Please contact the SAU or your local school, your information is confidential and will only be shared with the appropriate personnel. We are here to help and assist you in making sure your child reaches his or her educational potential throughout this difficult time.