Title I

Northwood Title I Plan 2023-2024


Program Abstract:

Title I is a federal program providing financial aid to school districts throughout the country to support supplementary educational programs for those students who qualify. The allocation of funds for each school district is based on a legislative formula dependent upon the distribution of low income children and state per pupil expenditures. Title I services are either targeted or school-wide depending on the school district and level of funding.

Title I services in Northwood are provided to children at certain grade levels who qualify as needing assistance in mathematics regardless of income. The Northwood Title I Math Program is primarily conducted during the regular school day in grade level classrooms and as individual or small group sessions outside the classroom. We supported students last year through a Title I summer program that provided supplemental instruction in math and reading, as well as other academic support.

Currently, one full time tutor works at the school five days a week (25-30 hours per week), and the program is coordinated by the Curriculum Director. The coordinator attends required DOE and SAEDC meetings, acts as a liaison with school administration, the SAU and the homeless coordinator, maintains communication with families and teachers, and completes all required paperwork. The tutor has supported and assisted students with their GoMath requirements with emphasis on helping them strengthen their basic math skills. Acadience, NWEA, NHSAS, and other math assessments are used to determine student strengths and progress. They are also used to identify skill areas where more individual support is needed. The tutor also regularly consults with staff to determine students’ needs and for lesson planning purposes. They also participate in formal data meetings with grade level teams to review individual student progress and to plan appropriate interventions. 

Program Structure

Program Evaluation

The Title I coordinator conducts informal observations of lessons provided by the tutor at all grade levels served. Tutors are evaluated annually by the school administrators. All paperwork and correspondence plus schedules and other program information are shared with and approved by the school administration. Consultation with teachers regarding the content, quality, and effectiveness of Title I services is ongoing.  Data on student progress are provided by the Title I coordinator and are reviewed by teachers and the school administration. The data are also used to drive program adjustments, modifications, and goal setting.